Small Water Cycle Restoration Projects

We support a New Water paradigm
Water is life.
Water is necessary for healthy people, healthy soils, healthy plants, and a healthy insect ecology.
We recognize the importance of small water projects throughout the landscape for groundwater recharge, carbon sequestration, flood control, regional climate stabilization, increased precipitation, environmental rehabilitation, and water security.
We work to overcome siloed hurdles, old paradigms, red tape, and any other obstacles that may impede the appropriate efforts needed to implement effective solutions to properly value rainwater to ensure water security for generations to come.
For more resources see the links below:
Blue / Green Bike Corridor
Our office is located next to a bike path with significant water resources during rain events. Reaching out to community members and local organizations we are working to develop and install a Blue & Green Bike Corridor with 70+ rain gardens to slow, spread, and sink water into the landscape. Around the rain gardens we are planting cacti, succulents, fruit trees, and medicinal herbs. Once our small section is complete we envision continuing this work up and down the bike path and beyond!
ventura river watershed INITIATIVE
Michal Kravčík visited many places in the Ventura River Watershed in April 2017 taking pictures of the evidence of where the rain goes when it rains. He wrote this proposal to guide us in a Watershed Initiative based on restoration of the small water cycles. Meanwhile, with the wildfire and potential for flood and mudslides, he changed the part of the plan that starts with engaging local public officials. He urges us to engage private property owners, especially those in the hills who will gladly pay for simple, perfectly designed measures to hold rain where it falls. If you have any leads, contact Jan Dietrick,, 805-746-5365. Open pdf file below.
Michal Kravčík Slovakian hydrologist north of Shell Road crossing of Ventura River.